Cote d’Ivoire Market Watch | May 18th 2015: BRVM closed today higher by XOF 25bn

Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire (Capital Markets in Africa):- BRVM (The Regional Stock Exchange of eight West Africa) closed its trading session this Monday, higher than the previous day. BRVM 10 index rose from 272.57 to 273.19 points, a gain of 0.23%. BRVM Composite index gained 0.38% to 263.58 against 262.57 points previously. The equity market capitalization was recorded at XOF 6,503.90 billion, an increase of XOF 25 billion compared to previous trading session.
From market activity perspectives, the total volume traded was recorded at 71,276 and total traded value was recorded at XOF 824.715 million (against XOF 405.76 million previous trading day) exchanging hands in 24 securities out of 39 listed securities through 231 transactions. The day top security by volume was Ecobank Transnational Incorporated Togo with 48,036 traded shares and by value was Onatel Burkina Faso with a XOF 132.487million traded value.
Looking at the market breathes, it ended negative with 7 gainers and 10 losers. The top gainers were Sode Cote d’Ivoire (gained 7.50 percent to close at XOF 60,350), BICI Cote d’Ivoire (appreciated 7.47 percent to close at XOF 93,500), SAPH Cote d’Ivoire (advanced 3.08 percent to close at XOF 13,400), Ecobank Transnational Incorporated Togo (surged by 1.79 percent to close at XOF 57) and Servair Abidjan Cote d’Ivoire (rose by 0.88 percent to close at XOF 56,495). On the other hand, topping the losers’ were Bank of Africa Senegal declined by 2.26 percent to trade at XOF 65,000 and Uniwax Cote d’Ivoire fell by 2.17 percent to close at XOF 18,000. Also, PALM Cote d’Ivoire and Societe General Bank Cote d’Ivoire declined by 1.95 percent and 1.79 percent to close at XOF 17,600 and XOF 27,500 respectively.
From sector viewpoint, financial services sector index advanced by 1.40 percent, public utilities and distribution sectors both gained 0.05 percent. Whereas agriculture index fell by 0.60 percent and industry index declined by 0.20 percent (due to fall in price of Air Liquide Cote d’Ivoire).